Saturday 2 February 2008

Reinforcing Chad

Ares Homepage
France is sending more troops to Chad to bolster its presence there, due to increasing attacks from rebel forces. It would be interesting to find out how the French and Chadian forces are cooperating.

A quick Google search reveals some more info on the French contingent from Gabon. The 6e Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine (6e BIMa) in Libreville, Gabon, is part of the Troupes de marine, which is part of the French Army.

It seems there is also a proposed EU peacekeeping force (EUFOR TCHAD/RCA) due to deploy in early February 2008. Chad, which lies on to the west of Sudan, is being affected by the many refugees streaming from the Darfur region of Sudan.

As can be seen in this Reuters factbox, the conflict is complicated to say the least. This type of scenario is now common for many operations, and armed forces have to be trained and ready for such situations.

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